Meet the sisters Cresselia and Cressilia

by - September 12, 2020


Cresselia enjoys life, She is always surrounded by lots, her life has to be like a rollercoaster, she loves to party, especially organizing them...and to meet new people to idolize her. She is always too focused on her social life and what others think about her. Can't stay longer in a relationship, she gets bored easily with the same routine. 

Her sister Cressilia lives in a small town, she wakes up early every day to work in a bakery store. Her days are occupied between her classes in the afternoon and baking cookies in the morning. What she loves the most in life is her space, to get back home, take a nice shower, cook delicious food, and enjoy it under a warm sunset. Her life goal is to do a road trip around the world. 

If you are the PARTY QUEEN this is for you!        If you appreciate the small things in life, click here!

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