The Sun also Rises

by - December 28, 2011

Cap: +9 knit casquette set X'mas group gift (check notices) - 0L
Hair: Analog Dog - quest cacao - Holiday Gift - 0L
Skin: : ) BCC. Sta Skin - NEW! (there's a LB with this skin)
Scarf: AOHARU_XmasGroupGift_FurStole and Boots<3 - 0L
Shirt: AOHARU_Christmas2011Gift_RibbedCollarSweater_Red - 0L
Pants: Kyoot - Eibo Trousers - Seasons Hunt (old hunt gift)
Shoes: +mocha+  -  Knit Socks with Flat (old hunt gift)
Earrings: NHA! Earrings Katy Group Gift December - 0L
Bear: +9 knit bear coin purse - Group Gift (check notices)
Pose: Blah. (Wrong way round) - NEW!

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