Peach Toadstool
Crown: Paper Moon - Crown of Love - Innocence - NEW!
Hair: AD. susanna brunette - FREE until Today (in all colors)
Shirt: Le Poppycock *Knit Sweater* Hearth - NEW!
Cam necklace: 'MICO' CAMERA Necklaces - 1L
Skirt: bonne chance! KawaiiHunt Vintage Flower OP Skirt - 0L
Boots: part of *{ SeVered GarDeN }* Dana * olive - NEW!
Bag: (Milk Motion) My heart bag
Cupcake key: {*I <3FashiOn*} Key Trick - Kawaii Hunt - 0L
Glasses: Le Poppycock *Glasses* Lucky Leopard - NEW!
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