(epoque)(milk motion)aoharuartilleriatomicFir Mnafreebiesrolling pinthe seasons hunt summerthe secret store
I am a great Housewife!!!
Hair: /artilleri/ Trixie hair *coffee*
Skin: [Atomic] Lien Skin_Buff - TDR
Glasses: *FIR & MNA* The Hemmingway Glasses (past group gift)
Blouse: AOHARU_FrontKnotShirt_Plaid/Black
Bikini: (Milk Motion) My itsi bitsi bikini for the season's hunt summer - 0L
Shorts: The Secret Store - Seasons Hunt Summer - 0L
Shoes: (epoque) Seasons Hunt Summer - 0L
Necklace: /artilleri/ Corazon necklace
Cigarette: .Hermonys. Cigarette
Rolling Pin: <OTP> Rolling Pin - 0L
Pose: Juxtapose - Independently Wealthy 5
I forgot to mention this dirty tattoo: Miss Shippe's Studio: Been Digging in the Dirt (past hunt gift)
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